47# error cuda_stream_accessor.hpp header must be compiled as C++
54#include <cuda_runtime.h>
55#include "opencv2/core/cuda.hpp"
This class encapsulates a queue of asynchronous calls.
Definition cuda.hpp:908
#define CV_EXPORTS
Definition cvdef.h:435
"black box" representation of the file storage associated with a file on disk.
Definition calib3d.hpp:441
Class that enables getting cudaEvent_t from cuda::Event.
Definition cuda_stream_accessor.hpp:76
static CV_EXPORTS Event wrapEvent(cudaEvent_t event)
static CV_EXPORTS cudaEvent_t getEvent(const Event &event)
Class that enables getting cudaStream_t from cuda::Stream.
Definition cuda_stream_accessor.hpp:68
static CV_EXPORTS cudaStream_t getStream(const Stream &stream)
static CV_EXPORTS Stream wrapStream(cudaStream_t stream)