6#error "Need to pre-define forward width"
17#if CV__SIMD_FORWARD == 1024
19#error "1024-long ops not implemented yet"
20#elif CV__SIMD_FORWARD == 512
22#define __CV_VX(fun) v512_##fun
23#define __CV_V_UINT8 v_uint8x64
24#define __CV_V_INT8 v_int8x64
25#define __CV_V_UINT16 v_uint16x32
26#define __CV_V_INT16 v_int16x32
27#define __CV_V_UINT32 v_uint32x16
28#define __CV_V_INT32 v_int32x16
29#define __CV_V_UINT64 v_uint64x8
30#define __CV_V_INT64 v_int64x8
31#define __CV_V_FLOAT32 v_float32x16
32#define __CV_V_FLOAT64 v_float64x8
43#elif CV__SIMD_FORWARD == 256
45#define __CV_VX(fun) v256_##fun
46#define __CV_V_UINT8 v_uint8x32
47#define __CV_V_INT8 v_int8x32
48#define __CV_V_UINT16 v_uint16x16
49#define __CV_V_INT16 v_int16x16
50#define __CV_V_UINT32 v_uint32x8
51#define __CV_V_INT32 v_int32x8
52#define __CV_V_UINT64 v_uint64x4
53#define __CV_V_INT64 v_int64x4
54#define __CV_V_FLOAT32 v_float32x8
55#define __CV_V_FLOAT64 v_float64x4
68#define __CV_VX(fun) v_##fun
69#define __CV_V_UINT8 v_uint8x16
70#define __CV_V_INT8 v_int8x16
71#define __CV_V_UINT16 v_uint16x8
72#define __CV_V_INT16 v_int16x8
73#define __CV_V_UINT32 v_uint32x4
74#define __CV_V_INT32 v_int32x4
75#define __CV_V_UINT64 v_uint64x2
76#define __CV_V_INT64 v_int64x2
77#define __CV_V_FLOAT32 v_float32x4
78#define __CV_V_FLOAT64 v_float64x2
94void v_expand(
const __CV_V_UINT8&, __CV_V_UINT16&, __CV_V_UINT16&);
95void v_expand(
const __CV_V_INT8&, __CV_V_INT16&, __CV_V_INT16&);
96void v_expand(
const __CV_V_UINT16&, __CV_V_UINT32&, __CV_V_UINT32&);
97void v_expand(
const __CV_V_INT16&, __CV_V_INT32&, __CV_V_INT32&);
98void v_expand(
const __CV_V_UINT32&, __CV_V_UINT64&, __CV_V_UINT64&);
99void v_expand(
const __CV_V_INT32&, __CV_V_INT64&, __CV_V_INT64&);
115__CV_V_UINT16 __CV_VX(load_expand)(
const uchar*);
116__CV_V_INT16 __CV_VX(load_expand)(
const schar*);
117__CV_V_UINT32 __CV_VX(load_expand)(
const ushort*);
118__CV_V_INT32 __CV_VX(load_expand)(
const short*);
119__CV_V_UINT64 __CV_VX(load_expand)(
const uint*);
120__CV_V_INT64 __CV_VX(load_expand)(
const int*);
122__CV_V_UINT32 __CV_VX(load_expand_q)(
const uchar*);
123__CV_V_INT32 __CV_VX(load_expand_q)(
const schar*);
126__CV_V_UINT8 v_pack(
const __CV_V_UINT16&,
const __CV_V_UINT16&);
127__CV_V_INT8 v_pack(
const __CV_V_INT16&,
const __CV_V_INT16&);
128__CV_V_UINT16 v_pack(
const __CV_V_UINT32&,
const __CV_V_UINT32&);
129__CV_V_INT16 v_pack(
const __CV_V_INT32&,
const __CV_V_INT32&);
131__CV_V_UINT32 v_pack(
const __CV_V_UINT64&,
const __CV_V_UINT64&);
132__CV_V_INT32 v_pack(
const __CV_V_INT64&,
const __CV_V_INT64&);
134__CV_V_UINT8 v_pack_u(
const __CV_V_INT16&,
const __CV_V_INT16&);
135__CV_V_UINT16 v_pack_u(
const __CV_V_INT32&,
const __CV_V_INT32&);
typename Tvec>
142Tvec v_mul_wrap(
const Tvec& a,
const Tvec& b);
144__CV_V_UINT8 v_mul_wrap(
const __CV_V_UINT8&,
const __CV_V_UINT8&);
145__CV_V_INT8 v_mul_wrap(
const __CV_V_INT8&,
const __CV_V_INT8&);
146__CV_V_UINT16 v_mul_wrap(
const __CV_V_UINT16&,
const __CV_V_UINT16&);
147__CV_V_INT16 v_mul_wrap(
const __CV_V_INT16&,
const __CV_V_INT16&);
typename Tvec,
typename Twvec>
153void v_mul_expand(
const Tvec& a,
const Tvec& b, Twvec& c, Twvec& d);
155void v_mul_expand(
const __CV_V_UINT8&,
const __CV_V_UINT8&, __CV_V_UINT16&, __CV_V_UINT16&);
156void v_mul_expand(
const __CV_V_INT8&,
const __CV_V_INT8&, __CV_V_INT16&, __CV_V_INT16&);
157void v_mul_expand(
const __CV_V_UINT16&,
const __CV_V_UINT16&, __CV_V_UINT32&, __CV_V_UINT32&);
158void v_mul_expand(
const __CV_V_INT16&,
const __CV_V_INT16&, __CV_V_INT32&, __CV_V_INT32&);
159void v_mul_expand(
const __CV_V_UINT32&,
const __CV_V_UINT32&, __CV_V_UINT64&, __CV_V_UINT64&);
160void v_mul_expand(
const __CV_V_INT32&,
const __CV_V_INT32&, __CV_V_INT64&, __CV_V_INT64&);
const __CV_V_INT32& a);
const __CV_V_FLOAT64& a);
const __CV_V_FLOAT64& a,
const __CV_V_FLOAT64& b);
const __CV_V_INT32& a);
const __CV_V_FLOAT32& a);
const __CV_V_INT64& a);
174#undef CV__SIMD_FORWARD
signed char schar
Definition interface.h:48
uint32_t uint
Definition interface.h:42
unsigned char uchar
Definition interface.h:51
unsigned short ushort
Definition interface.h:52
v_reg< schar, 16 > v_int8x16
Sixteen 8-bit signed integer values.
Definition intrin_cpp.hpp:491
v_reg< uchar, 16 > v_uint8x16
Sixteen 8-bit unsigned integer values.
Definition intrin_cpp.hpp:489
v_reg< int64, 2 > v_int64x2
Two 64-bit signed integer values.
Definition intrin_cpp.hpp:507
v_reg< ushort, 8 > v_uint16x8
Eight 16-bit unsigned integer values.
Definition intrin_cpp.hpp:493
v_reg< int, 4 > v_int32x4
Four 32-bit signed integer values.
Definition intrin_cpp.hpp:499
v_reg< unsigned, 4 > v_uint32x4
Four 32-bit unsigned integer values.
Definition intrin_cpp.hpp:497
CV_INLINE v_reg< double,(n/2)> v_cvt_f64_high(const v_reg< int, n > &a)
Convert to double high part of vector.
Definition intrin_cpp.hpp:2584
void v_mul_expand(const v_reg< _Tp, n > &a, const v_reg< _Tp, n > &b, v_reg< typename V_TypeTraits< _Tp >::w_type, n/2 > &c, v_reg< typename V_TypeTraits< _Tp >::w_type, n/2 > &d)
Multiply and expand.
Definition intrin_cpp.hpp:1216
v_reg< typename V_TypeTraits< _Tp >::w_type, n/2 > v_expand_low(const v_reg< _Tp, n > &a)
Expand lower values to the wider pack type.
Definition intrin_cpp.hpp:1496
CV_INLINE v_reg< double, n/2 > v_cvt_f64(const v_reg< int, n > &a)
Convert lower half to double.
Definition intrin_cpp.hpp:2573
void v_expand(const v_reg< _Tp, n > &a, v_reg< typename V_TypeTraits< _Tp >::w_type, n/2 > &b0, v_reg< typename V_TypeTraits< _Tp >::w_type, n/2 > &b1)
Expand values to the wider pack type.
Definition intrin_cpp.hpp:1474
v_reg< uint64, 2 > v_uint64x2
Two 64-bit unsigned integer values.
Definition intrin_cpp.hpp:505
v_reg< typename V_TypeTraits< _Tp >::w_type, n/2 > v_expand_high(const v_reg< _Tp, n > &a)
Expand higher values to the wider pack type.
Definition intrin_cpp.hpp:1515
v_reg< float, 4 > v_float32x4
Four 32-bit floating point values (single precision)
Definition intrin_cpp.hpp:501
v_reg< float, n > v_cvt_f32(const v_reg< int, n > &a)
Convert to float.
Definition intrin_cpp.hpp:2534
v_reg< short, 8 > v_int16x8
Eight 16-bit signed integer values.
Definition intrin_cpp.hpp:495
v_reg< double, 2 > v_float64x2
Two 64-bit floating point values (double precision)
Definition intrin_cpp.hpp:503
"black box" representation of the file storage associated with a file on disk.
Definition calib3d.hpp:441