#include <charuco_detector.hpp>
◆ CharucoParameters()
CV_WRAP cv::aruco::CharucoParameters::CharucoParameters |
( |
| ) |
inline |
◆ cameraMatrix
cameraMatrix optional 3x3 floating-point camera matrix
◆ distCoeffs
distCoeffs optional vector of distortion coefficients
◆ minMarkers
CV_PROP_RW int cv::aruco::CharucoParameters::minMarkers |
minMarkers number of adjacent markers that must be detected to return a charuco corner, default = 2
◆ tryRefineMarkers
CV_PROP_RW bool cv::aruco::CharucoParameters::tryRefineMarkers |
try to use refine board, default false
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: