virtual CV_WRAP void | setMaxFeatures (int maxFeatures)=0 |
virtual CV_WRAP int | getMaxFeatures () const =0 |
virtual CV_WRAP void | setScaleFactor (double scaleFactor)=0 |
virtual CV_WRAP double | getScaleFactor () const =0 |
virtual CV_WRAP void | setNLevels (int nlevels)=0 |
virtual CV_WRAP int | getNLevels () const =0 |
virtual CV_WRAP void | setEdgeThreshold (int edgeThreshold)=0 |
virtual CV_WRAP int | getEdgeThreshold () const =0 |
virtual CV_WRAP void | setFirstLevel (int firstLevel)=0 |
virtual CV_WRAP int | getFirstLevel () const =0 |
virtual CV_WRAP void | setWTA_K (int wta_k)=0 |
virtual CV_WRAP int | getWTA_K () const =0 |
virtual CV_WRAP void | setScoreType (ORB::ScoreType scoreType)=0 |
virtual CV_WRAP ORB::ScoreType | getScoreType () const =0 |
virtual CV_WRAP void | setPatchSize (int patchSize)=0 |
virtual CV_WRAP int | getPatchSize () const =0 |
virtual CV_WRAP void | setFastThreshold (int fastThreshold)=0 |
virtual CV_WRAP int | getFastThreshold () const =0 |
virtual CV_WRAP String | getDefaultName () const CV_OVERRIDE |
virtual | ~Feature2D () |
virtual CV_WRAP void | detect (InputArray image, CV_OUT std::vector< KeyPoint > &keypoints, InputArray mask=noArray()) |
| Detects keypoints in an image (first variant) or image set (second variant).
virtual CV_WRAP void | detect (InputArrayOfArrays images, CV_OUT std::vector< std::vector< KeyPoint > > &keypoints, InputArrayOfArrays masks=noArray()) |
virtual CV_WRAP void | compute (InputArray image, CV_OUT CV_IN_OUT std::vector< KeyPoint > &keypoints, OutputArray descriptors) |
| Computes the descriptors for a set of keypoints detected in an image (first variant) or image set (second variant).
virtual CV_WRAP void | compute (InputArrayOfArrays images, CV_OUT CV_IN_OUT std::vector< std::vector< KeyPoint > > &keypoints, OutputArrayOfArrays descriptors) |
virtual CV_WRAP void | detectAndCompute (InputArray image, InputArray mask, CV_OUT std::vector< KeyPoint > &keypoints, OutputArray descriptors, bool useProvidedKeypoints=false) |
virtual CV_WRAP int | descriptorSize () const |
virtual CV_WRAP int | descriptorType () const |
virtual CV_WRAP int | defaultNorm () const |
CV_WRAP void | write (const String &fileName) const |
CV_WRAP void | read (const String &fileName) |
virtual void | write (FileStorage &) const CV_OVERRIDE |
| Stores algorithm parameters in a file storage.
virtual CV_WRAP void | read (const FileNode &) CV_OVERRIDE |
| Reads algorithm parameters from a file storage.
virtual CV_WRAP bool | empty () const CV_OVERRIDE |
| Return true if detector object is empty.
CV_WRAP void | write (FileStorage &fs, const String &name) const |
void | write (const Ptr< FileStorage > &fs, const String &name) const |
| Algorithm () |
virtual | ~Algorithm () |
virtual CV_WRAP void | clear () |
| Clears the algorithm state.
CV_WRAP void | write (FileStorage &fs, const String &name) const |
void | write (const Ptr< FileStorage > &fs, const String &name=String()) const |
virtual CV_WRAP void | save (const String &filename) const |
static CV_WRAP Ptr< ORB > | create (int nfeatures=500, float scaleFactor=1.2f, int nlevels=8, int edgeThreshold=31, int firstLevel=0, int WTA_K=2, ORB::ScoreType scoreType=ORB::HARRIS_SCORE, int patchSize=31, int fastThreshold=20) |
| The ORB constructor.
template<typename _Tp > |
static Ptr< _Tp > | read (const FileNode &fn) |
| Reads algorithm from the file node.
template<typename _Tp > |
static Ptr< _Tp > | load (const String &filename, const String &objname=String()) |
| Loads algorithm from the file.
template<typename _Tp > |
static Ptr< _Tp > | loadFromString (const String &strModel, const String &objname=String()) |
| Loads algorithm from a String.
Class implementing the ORB (oriented BRIEF) keypoint detector and descriptor extractor.
described in [RRKB11] . The algorithm uses FAST in pyramids to detect stable keypoints, selects the strongest features using FAST or Harris response, finds their orientation using first-order moments and computes the descriptors using BRIEF (where the coordinates of random point pairs (or k-tuples) are rotated according to the measured orientation).